Special Sessions List
Please see the descriptions page for more details.
- Harmonic analysis and Hamiltonian PDE
- Computability Theory an Applications
- Mathematics Education
- Topology, geometry and combinatorics of biopolymers
- Deterministic and Probabilistic Aspects of Dispersive Partial Differential Equations
- Differential geometry and geometric analysis
- Recent advances in geometric PDE
- 50 years of communications in algebra
- Arithmetic Geometry and Number Theory
- Computational Number Theory and Applications
- Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
- Functional Analysis and Operator Algebras
- Probability and Mathematical Statistics
- Early Career Showcase in Low-Dimensional Topology
- Index Theory in Geometry and Mathematical Physics
- Singularities
- Representation Theory and Tensor Categories
- Mathematical Physics
- Special Functions, q-Series and Beyond
- Stochastic and Deterministic Inverse Problems
- Stochastic Differential Equations
- Algebraic Combinatorics and Matroids
- Applied and computational topology
- Computational Methods and Applications of Dynamical Systems
- Computations and applications of algebraic geometry and commutative algebra
- Recent developments in data science and machine learning
- Differential delay equations and their applications
- Functional Analysis and partial differential operators
- Groups and Geometry
- Groups, actions and computations
- Industrial Mathematics
- Mathematical methods in the wave theory
- Mathematical modelling in continuum mechanics
- New directions in pattern formation
- Recent advances in mathematical fluid dynamics
- Structural aspects of matroids and graphs
- Optimisation
- Computational Mathematics
- Engagement with mathematics through communication and outreach
- Mathematics of nonlinear diffusion processes
- Microlocal analysis and inverse problems
- Discrete and continuous integrable systems: geometry analysis and applications

We are grateful to our sponsors
Conference Sponsors
The Kalman Trust
Department of Mathematics, University of Auckland
Faculty of Science, University of Auckland
Pacific travel scheme sponsors
Faculty of Science, University of Auckland
Pro-Vice Chancellor Pacific, University of Auckland
Te Pūnaha Matatini