Satellite Meetings

Mathematical Cryptography Workshop


This workshop brings together researchers in mathematics and computer science to discuss problems in mathematical cryptography, with a focus on post-quantum cryptography. The workshop will feature a mix of talks and working groups. We hope that the workshop will serve as a venue for cryptography researchers to share innovative ideas and establish new research collaborations.

More details here.

Asian-Oceanic Women in Mathematics (AOMW) Workshop

The Asian-Oceanic Women in Mathematics (AOWM) Workshop will be held 6th to 9th December 2024 at the University of Auckland. 

Registration available on: 

Australian Mathematical Science Students Conference

The Association of Australian Mathematics Students (AAMS) is proud to be the reviving of the Australian Mathematical Sciences Students Conference, which will be held from 4-6 December 2024 at Western Sydney University, Sydney. This student-run conference will bring together mathematics students from around Australia and hopefully some international guests. The conference program will include plenary talks, student talks, social events and hopefully some exciting surprises.

Registrations are now open and close on the 31/10/2024.

For more information, and to register, please visit the conference website:

We are grateful to our sponsors

The Kalman Trust

Department of Mathematics, University of Auckland