Top Level Programme

The table below summarises the top-level programme. You can also download a pdf version of the programme and the plenary speaker abstracts.

Sunday, 08 December 2024
16:00-17:00Registration desk open OGGB Level 1 Foyer and John Hood Plaza
17:00-18:00 Welcome Reception (registration desk open) OGGB Level 1 Foyer and John Hood Plaza
Monday, 09 December 2024
8:00-9:00 Registration Open OGGB Level 1 Foyer
9:00-10:00 Opening Ceremony and Prize Giving. Fisher & Paykel Auditorium 260-115. Overflow room, 260-098
10:00-10:30 Morning Tea/Coffee OGGB Levels 0&1 Foyers
10:30-11:20 Eamonn O'Brien, Effective algorithms for linear groups: success and challenges
Fisher & Paykel Auditorium 260-115. Overflow room, 260-098
11:30-12:20 James Saunderson, Around the generalised Lax conjecture
Fisher & Paykel Auditorium 260-115. Overflow room, 260-098
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Special Sessions
15:30-16:00Afternoon Tea/Coffee OGGB Levels 0&1 Foyers
16:00-17:00 Special Sessions
17:00-18:00NZMS AGM OGGB5, 260-051
From 18:30 Student and Postdoc Social Event Mr Murdochs
Tuesday, 10 December 2024
9:10-10:00 Priya Subramanian, Exploring pattern formation
Fisher & Paykel Auditorium 260-115. Overflow room, 260-098
10:00-10:30 Morning Tea/Coffee (poster session) OGGB Levels 0&1 Foyers
10:30-11:20 Katharine Turner, A new computational paradigm for computing the persistent homology of Rips filtrations Fisher & Paykel Auditorium 260-115. Overflow room, 260-098
11:30-12:30 Special Sessions
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Special Sessions
15:30-16:00 Afternoon Tea/Coffee (poster session) OGGB Levels 0&1 Foyers
16:00-17:00Special Session
18:00-19:00 Persi Diaconis, The mathematics of solitaire Fisher & Paykel Auditorium 260-115. Overflow room, 260-098
Wednesday, 11 December 2024
9:10-10:00 Richard Kenyon This is a story of how representation theory interacts with statistical mechanics
Fisher & Paykel Auditorium 260-115. Overflow room, 260-098
10:00-10:30 Morning Tea/Coffee OGGB Levels 0&1 Foyers
10:30-12:00 Special Sessions
Free Afternoon
Thursday 12 December 2024
9:10-10:00 Geordie Williamson, Searching for interesting mathematical objects with neural networks
Fisher & Paykel Auditorium 260-115. Overflow room, 260-098
10:00-10:30 Morning Tea/Coffee OGGB Levels 0&1 Foyers
10:30-11:20 Michael Miller and Rachael Ka’ai-Mahuta, Te ara o te reo Māori: Modelling the trajectory of the Māori language Fisher & Paykel Auditorium 260-115. Overflow room, 260-098
11:30-12:30 Special Sessions
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Special Sessions
15:30-16:00 Afternoon Tea/Coffee OGGB Levels 0&1 Foyers
16:00-17:00Panel: Training of PhD students for 2025 and beyond Fisher & Paykel Auditorium 260-115.
16:00-17:00Panel: Work-life balance and decision making for a fulfilling academic career 260-098
17:00-18:10 AustMS AGM OGGB5 260-051
17:00-18:00ANZIAM New Zealand Branch AGM Case Room 1 260-005
18:30- late Conference dinnerShed 10
Friday 13 December 2024
9:10-10:00 Svitlana Mayboroda, The hidden structure of disorder as seen by waves and minimizers
Fisher & Paykel Auditorium 260-115. Overflow room, 260-098
10:00-10:30 Morning Tea/Coffee OGGB Levels 0&1 Foyers
10:30-11:20 Lara Alcock, Reasoning about Mathematical ‘If-Then’ Statements
Fisher & Paykel Auditorium 260-115. Overflow room, 260-098
11:30-12:30 Special Sessions
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Special Sessions
15:30-16:00 Afternoon Tea/Coffee OGGB Levels 0&1 Foyers

Special Session Schedule

The following table summarises the special session programme.  Clicking on a room number takes you to that room on the interactive campus map. If you are having problems with the map try another browser (particularly if you use chrome). See the full special session schedule here or download the full schedule, the schedule by room or by timeslot.

Mathematics education 260-115
Probability and mathematical statistics 260-098
Early career showcase in low dimensional topology 260-073
Groups and geometry 260-092
Groups actions and computations 260-051
Differential geometry and geometric analysis 260-005
Recent advances in geometric PDE 260-057
Functional analysis and operator algebras 260-055
Microlocal analysis and inverse problems 260-009
Discrete and continuous integrable systems: geometry and analysis 260-036
Harmonic analysis and Hamiltonian PDE 260-028
Engagement with mathematics through communication and outreach 260-040
Stochastic and deterministic inverse problems 260-223
Mathematical Physics 260-221
Stochastic differential equations 260-016
Mathematics of nonlinear diffusion processes 260-018
Functional analysis and PDE 260-020
Index theory in geometry and mathematical physics 260-022
Computability Theory 303-B07
Algebraic combinatorics and matroids 303-B09
Representation theory and tensor categories 303-G14
50 years of Communications in Algebra 303-G15
Computational methods and applications of dynamical systems 303-G20
Ergodic theory and dynamical systems 303-G23
Computational number theory and applications 405-422
Arithmetic geometry and number theory 405-430
Industrial Mathematics 402-211
Recent developments in data science and machine learning 402-220
Optimisation 402-221
Computational mathematics 402-231
Special functions q-series and beyond 401-312
Contributed Session A 303-B11
Contributed Session B 303-B05
Mathematics education 260-115
Probability and mathematical statistics 260-098
Early career showcase in low dimensional topology 260-073
Groups and geometry 260-092
Groups actions and computations 260-051
Differential geometric and geometric analysis 260-005
Recent advances in geometric PDE 260-057
Functional analysis and operator algebras 260-055
Microlocal analysis and inverse problems 260-009
Discrete and continuous integrable systems: geometry and analysis 260-036
Harmonic analysis and Hamiltonian PDE 260-028
Engagement with mathematics through communication and outreach 260-040
Stochastic and deterministic inverse problems 260-223
Mathematical Physics 260-221
Stochastic differential equations 260-016
Mathematics of nonlinear diffusion processes 260-018
Functional analysis and PDE 260-020
Deterministic and probabilistic aspects of dispersive PDE 260-022
Singularities 260-024
Differential delay equations and their applications 303-B05
Computability Theory 303-B07
Algebraic combinatorics and matroids 303-B09
Representation theory and tensor categories 303-G14
50 years of Communications in Algebra 303-G15
Computational methods and applications of dynamical systems 303-G20
Ergodic theory and dynamical systems 303-G23
Computational number theory and applications 405-422
Industrial Mathematics 402-211
Recent developments in data science and machine learning 402-220
Optimisation 402-221
Special functions q-series and beyond 401-312
Contributed Session A 405-430
Contributed Session B 303-B11
Mathematics education 260-115
Probability and mathematical statistics 260-098
Early career showcase in low dimensional topology 260-073
Groups and geometry 260-092
Groups actions and computations 260-051
Differential geometry and geometric analysis 260-005
Recent advances in geometric PDE 260-057
Functional analysis and operator algebras 260-055
Microlocal analysis and inverse problems 260-009
Harmonic analysis and Hamiltonian PDE 260-028
Engagement with mathematics through communication and outreach 260-040
Mathematical Physics 260-221
Applied and computational topology 260-223
Stochastic differential equations
Mathematics of nonlinear diffusion processes 260-018
Functional analysis and PDE 260-020
Deterministic and probabilistic aspects of dispersive PDE 260-022
Singularities 260-024
Differential delay equations and their applications 303-B05
Computability Theory 303-B07
Structual aspects of matroids and graphs 303-B09
New directions in pattern formation 303-B11
50 years of Communications in Algebra 303-G15
Computational methods and applications of dynamical systems 303-G20
Ergodic theory and dynamical systems 303-G23
Arithmetic geometry and number theory 405-430
Industrial Mathematics 402-211
Recent developments in data science and machine learning 402-220
Optimisation 402-221
Computational mathematics 402-231
Special functions q-series and beyond 401-312
Contributed Session A 260-036
Contributed Session B 303-G14
Mathematics education 260-115
Probability and mathematical statistics 260-098
Early career showcase in low dimensional topology 260-073
Groups and geometry 260-092
Groups actions and computations 260-051
Differential geometry and geometric analysis 260-005
Recent advances in geometric PDE 260-057
Functional analysis and operator algebras 260-055
Microlocal analysis and inverse problems 260-009
Harmonic analysis and Hamiltonian PDE 260-028
Engagement with mathematics through communication and outreach 260-040
Applied and computational topology 260-223
Mathematical Physics 260-221
Mathematics of nonlinear diffusion processes 260-018
Functional analysis and PDE 260-020
Index theory in geometry and mathematical physics 260-022
Singularities 260-024
Differential delay equations and their applications 303-B05
Computability Theory 303-B07
Structual aspects of matroids and graphs 303-B09
New directions in pattern formation 303-B11
Representation theory and tensor categories 303-G14
50 years of Communications in Algebra 303-G15
Computational methods and applications of dynamical systems 303-G20
Ergodic theory and dynamical systems 303-G23
Computational number theory and applications 405-422
Arithmetic geometry and number theory 405-430
Industrial Mathematics 402-211
Recent developments in data science and machine learning 402-220
Optimisation 402-221
Computational mathematics 402-231
Mathematical methods in continuum mechanics and wave theory 401-307
Special functions q-series and beyond 401-312
Contributed Session A 260-016
Contributed Session B 260-036
Mathematics education 260-115
Probability and mathematical statistics 260-098
Early career showcase in low dimensional topology 260-073
Groups and geometry 260-092
Groups actions and computations 260-051
Differential geometry and geometric analysis 260-005
Recent advances in geometric PDE 260-057
Functional analysis and operator algebras 260-055
Topology, geometry and combinatorics of biopolymers 260-009
Discrete and continuous integrable systems: geometry and analysis 260-036
Harmonic analysis and Hamiltonian PDE 260-028
Engagement with mathematics through communication and outreach 260-040
Applied and computational topology 260-223
Mathematical Physics 260-221
Mathematics of nonlinear diffusion processes 260-018
Functional analysis and PDE 260-020
Deterministic and probabilistic aspects of dispersive PDE 260-022
Singularities 260-024
Differential delay equations and their applications 303-B05
Computability Theory 303-B07
Structual aspects of matroids and graphs 303-B09
50 years of Communications in Algebra 303-G15
Computational methods and applications of dynamical systems 303-G20
Ergodic theory and dynamical systems 303-G23
Computational number theory and applications 405-422
Arithmetic geometry and number theory 405-430
Industrial Mathematics 402-211
Recent developments in data science and machine learning 402-220
Optimisation 402-221
Computational mathematics 402-231
Recent advances in mathematical fluid dynamics 401-311
Special functions q-series and beyond 401-312
Contributed Session A 260-016
Contributed Session B 303-B11
Mathematics education 260-115
Probability and mathematical statistics 260-098
Early career showcase in low dimensional topology 260-073
Groups and geometry 260-092
Groups actions and computations 260-051
Differential geometry and geometric analysis 260-005
Recent advances in geometric PDE 260-057
Functional analysis and operator algebras 260-055
Microlocal analysis and inverse problems 260-009
Discrete and continuous integrable systems: geometry and analysis 260-036
Harmonic analysis and Hamiltonian PDE 260-028
Topology, geometry and combinatorics of biopolymers 260-221
Stochastic differential equations 260-016
Mathematics of nonlinear diffusion processes 260-018
Index theory in geometry and mathematical physics 260-022
Singularities 260-024
Computations and applications of algebraic geometry and commutative algebra 303-B05
Computability Theory 303-B07
Algebraic combinatorics and matroids 303-B09
Structual aspects of matroids and graphs 303-B11
Representation theory and tensor categories 303-G14
50 years of Communications in Algebra 303-G15
Ergodic theory and dynamical systems 303-G23
Computational number theory and applications 405-422
Arithmetic geometry and number theory 405-430
Industrial Mathematics 402-211
Recent developments in data science and machine learning 402-220
Optimisation 402-221
Computational mathematics 402-231
Mathematical methods in continuum mechanics and wave theory 401-307
Recent advances in mathematical fluid dynamics 401-311
Special functions q-series and beyond 401-312
Contributed Session A 260-040
Contributed Session B 260-215
Mathematics education 260-115
Probability and mathematical statistics 260-098
Early career showcase in low dimensional topology 260-073
Groups and geometry 260-092
Groups actions and computations 260-051
Differential geometry and geometric analysis 260-005
Recent advances in geometric PDE 260-057
Functional analysis and operator algebras 260-055
Mathematical physics 260-009
Discrete and continuous integrable systems: geometry and analysis 260-036
Harmonic analysis and Hamiltonian PDE 260-028
Stochastic and deterministic inverse problems 260-040
Applied and computational topology 260-223
Topology, geometry and combinatorics of biopolymers 260-221
Stochastic differential equations 260-016
Mathematics of nonlinear diffusion processes 260-018
Singularities 260-024
Computations and applications of algebraic geometry and commutative algebra 303-B05
Computability Theory 303-B07
Algebraic combinatorics and matroids 303-B09
Representation theory and tensor categories 303-G14
50 years of Communications in Algebra 303-G15
Computational methods and applications of dynamical systems 303-G20
Ergodic theory and dynamical systems 303-G23
Computational number theory and applications 405-422
Industrial Mathematics 402-211
Recent developments in data science and machine learning 402-220
Optimisation 402-221
Computational mathematics 402-231
Mathematical methods in continuum mechanics and wave theory 401-307
Recent advances in mathematical fluid dynamics 401-311
Special functions q-series and beyond 401-312
Contributed Session A 303-B11
Mathematics education 260-115
Probability and mathematical statistics 260-098
Early career showcase in low dimensional topology 260-073
Groups and geometry 260-092
Groups actions and computations 260-051
Differential geometry and geometric analysis 260-005
Recent advances in geometric PDE 260-057
Functional analysis and operator algebras 260-055
Engagement with mathematics through communication and outreach 260-009
Discrete and continuous integrable systems: geometry and analysis 260-036
Harmonic analysis and Hamiltonian PDE 260-028
Stochastic and deterministic inverse problems 260-040
Applied and computational topology 260-223
Topology, geometry and combinatorics of biopolymers 260-221
Stochastic differential equations 260-016
Mathematics of nonlinear diffusion processes 260-018
Singularities 260-024
Computations and applications of algebraic geometry and commutative algebra 303-B05
Computability Theory 303-B07
Algebraic combinatorics and matroids 303-B09
Representation theory and tensor categories 303-G14
50 years of Communications in Algebra 303-G15
Computational methods and applications of dynamical systems 303-G20
Ergodic theory and dynamical systems 303-G23
Computational number theory and applications 405-422
Industrial Mathematics 402-211
Recent developments in data science and machine learning 402-220
Optimisation 402-221
Mathematical methods in continuum mechanics and wave theory 401-307
Recent advances in mathematical fluid dynamics 401-311
Special functions q-series and beyond 401-312
Contributed Session A 303-B11
Contributed Session B 405-430
Mathematics education 260-115
Probability and mathematical statistics 260-098
Early career showcase in low dimensional topology 260-073
Groups and geometry 260-092
Groups actions and computations 260-051
Differential geometry and geometric analysis 260-005
Recent advances in geometric PDE 260-057
Functional analysis and operator algebras 260-055
Microlocal analysis and inverse problems 260-009
Discrete and continuous integrable systems: geometry and analysis 260-036
Stochastic and deterministic inverse problems 260-040
Applied and computational topology 260-223
Topology, geometry and combinatorics of biopolymers 260-221
Stochastic differential equations 260-016
Mathematics of nonlinear diffusion processes 260-018
Deterministic and probabilistic aspects of dispersive PDE 260-022
Singularities 260-024
Computations and applications of algebraic geometry and commutative algebra 303-B05
Computability Theory 303-B07
Algebraic combinatorics and matroids 303-B09
New directions in pattern formation 303-B11
Representation theory and tensor categories 303-G14
Computational methods and applications of dynamical systems 303-G20
Ergodic theory and dynamical systems 303-G23
Arithmetic geometry and number theory 405-430
Industrial Mathematics 402-211
Recent developments in data science and machine learning 402-220
Optimisation 402-221
Computational mathematics 402-231
Mathematical methods in continuum mechanics and wave theory 401-307
Recent advances in mathematical fluid dynamics 401-311
Special functions q-series and beyond 401-312
Contributed Session A 303-B11
Contributed Session B 260-028
Mathematics education 260-115
Probability and mathematical statistics 260-098
Early career showcase in low dimensional topology 260-073
Groups and geometry 260-092
Groups actions and computations 260-051
Differential geometry and geometric analysis 260-005
Recent advances in geometric PDE 260-057
Functional analysis and operator algebras 260-055
Microlocal analysis and inverse problems 260-009
Discrete and continuous integrable systems: geometry and analysis 260-036
Stochastic and deterministic inverse problems 260-040
Applied and computational topology 260-223
Topology, geometry and combinatorics of biopolymers 260-221
Mathematics of nonlinear diffusion processes 260-018
Deterministic and probabilistic aspects of dispersive PDE 260-022
Singularities 260-024
Computations and applications of algebraic geometry and commutative algebra 303-B05
Algebraic combinatorics and matroids 303-B09
New directions in pattern formation 303-B11
Representation theory and tensor categories 303-G14
Computational methods and applications of dynamical systems 303-G20
Ergodic theory and dynamical systems 303-G23
Computational number theory and applications 405-422
Arithmetic geometry and number theory 405-430
Industrial Mathematics 402-211
Recent developments in data science and machine learning 402-220
Optimisation 402-221
Computational mathematics 402-231
Mathematical methods in continuum mechanics and wave theory 401-307
Recent advances in mathematical fluid dynamics 401-311
Special functions q-series and beyond 401-312
Contributed Session A 303-B11

Poster Session

There will be poster sessions on Tuesday during morning and afternoon tea. Below is a full list of all posters on display (download a pdf copy).


PresenterPoster Title
Sanaz AmaniExploring Blenders of a Three-Dimensional Diffeomorphism
in the Presence of Periodic or Chaotic Attractors
Raima AppawSampled Observations of Animal Networks.
Iman ArdekaniBayesian Inverse Modelling for Efficient Characterization of Neuronal Dynamics
Mona BahriA Student-Centred Design for First-Year Mathematics: Overcoming Learning Barriers
Mona BahriHybrid Time-Series Forecasting for Environmental Indicators
Samuel Bolduc-St-AubinState-Dependent Delays in Feedback Loops: Insights from an El Niño-Southern Oscillation model
Jordan BoundsLattice of Garside shadows in $\widetilde{A_2}$ between the Shi-0 and Shi-1 arrangements
Kevin BroughanEquivalents of the Riemann Hypothesis
Sira BuschMoufang Property and Groups of Projectivities
Sam DoakComputing Millions of Periodic Points in a Volume-preserving Quadratic Map
Alexander ElzenaarLimit sets of cone manifolds
Liam GibsonModelling the effects of citation bias, homophily, and parental leave on early-career academic recognition
Tom GoertzenSimplicial Surfaces with Given Finite Automorphism Group
Josephine GreenwoodSelf-organised unsupervised machine learning in two-component reaction-diffusion systems
Liam KahmeyerA Homotopy Invariant of Image Simple Fold Maps to Oriented Surfaces
Nurbek KakharmanGrowth of the Laguerre transform in terms of modulus of continuity
Minhye KimAn Enhanced Method for Ellipse Overlap Calculation Using Segment Area of Circles
Yongkuk KimDynamic Integration of Compartmental Modeling and Regime Shift-Informed Dynamics for Improved Seasonal Influenza Forecasting and Public Health Preparedness
Adam KlukowskiCongruence subgroup property of geometric subgroups of MCGs
Musashi Koyama Computing degree-1 Vietoris-Rips persistent homology more efficiently
Kwok Kun KwongWeighted geometric inequalities and the Weinstock inequality for the first Steklov eigenvalue
Paul LeopardiThe applicability of equal area partitions of the unit sphere
Rox-Anne L'Italien-BruneauHow do mathematicians communicate their research to non-expert audiences?
Grant LytheHow many TCR clonotypes does a body maintain?
Lavender MarshallA sample calculation of the Upsilon invariants for a knot in L(3,1)
Aidan Mason-MackayDynamic MRI reconstruction using the Iterative Alternating Sequential Algorithm
Alvaro MenendezDimension of generalized inverse limits
Sebastián Muñoz-ThonA Calderón's problem for harmonic maps
Makoto NaritaGlobal solutions to the Einstein equations
in string theory
An Ky Duy NguyenStability of geodesic vectors in low-dimensional Lie algebras
Nasrin NikbakhtAdaptive Eigenspace Inversion for Solving the Inverse Source Problem in 2D Helmholtz Equation
Chunyoung OhEstimating the Empirical Effective Reproduction Number Through COVID-19 Infection Networks
Juan Patino-EcheverriaInto the wild: A journey to chaos in four dimensions
Adam PiggottFinite groups with Geodetic Cayley Graphs
Ruzzel RagasPoncelet Triangles in the Projective Plane over Finite Fields of order 17 and 25.
Sergio RojasAdaptive regularization of rough linear functionals for nonconforming FEM
Ati (Efat) RostamiSimple Plant, Complex Dynamics: Improving Thornley’s Mathematical Model in Plant Biology
Gavrilo ŠipkaOrthogonal Yangians: Truncations and Representation Theory
Agus Leonardi SoenjayaA stochastic model for micromagnetics at elevated temperatures
John Etienne StewartMapping class groups of manifolds with boundary and the image of the variation operator.
Winston SweatmanRegularisation of the Kepler Problem
Muhammad TaqiyuddinWritten Solutions to Mathematical Problems: Does Drafting Make a Difference?
Kane TownsendGeodetic graphs and groups
Ryo UchiumiA linear finite group action on a lattice and mod q permutation representation
Noah VinodWell-posedness for a Magnetohydrodynamical Model with Intrinsic Magnetisation
Xiaoyu WangImprovement of Neural Posterior Estimation for Complex models
Conor WellmanGeneralized Rosette Harmonic Mappings and Minimal Surfaces
Chenyan WuExplicit relation between invariants from Eisenstein series and theta lifts, with an application to Arthur packets
Dashen YanA Gluing Theorem For Collapsing Warped-QAC Calabi Yau Manifolds
Aamir YousufNumerical analysis of a coupled thermoelastic diffusion plate model
Qianqian YuanGorenstein silting and FP-cosilting modules
Zehua ZangBranching Processes with Detection: Probabilistic Analysis
Ziwen ZhongParameter Estimation in Age-structured Population Processes

We are grateful to our sponsors

Conference Sponsors

The Kalman Trust

Department of Mathematics, University of Auckland

Faculty of Science, University of Auckland

Pacific travel scheme sponsors

Faculty of Science, University of Auckland

Pro-Vice Chancellor Pacific, University of Auckland

Te Pūnaha Matatini

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