Rooms and Technology

All plenaries and teas (as well as the Welcome Reception) will be held in the Owen G. Glen buildings. The primary room for the plenary talks is the Fisher & Pakel Auditorium 260-115 with an overflow to the adjacent room 260-098.

For the special sessions we will utilise rooms in three clusters, in Owen G. Glen, in Engineering and in Science. The map below (download a pdf version) summarises the clusters for special sessions. You can see the room allocations for each session either in the session schedule or in the room summary on the top level program page.

In room technology

Each of the rooms has an on-site computer running Windows, screens to display slides and whiteboards. You can either present slides from the on-site computer or connect your laptop into the AV system. If you are planning to connect your laptop we recommend that you also bring a PDF version of their talk slides as a backup.

Not all session rooms are in use everyday. The following table summarises which rooms will be empty for each special session slot. You can use the empty rooms to practise connecting your device to the UoA system (the room tech is similar in all rooms).

Rooms Available
14:00-15:30 260-024
16:00-17:00 401-307
11:30-12:30 405-422
14:00-15:30 401-311
16:00-17:00 303-G14
10:30-12:00 260-020
11:30-12:30 260-022
14:00-15:30 402-231
11:30-12:30 260-020
14:00-15:30 260-020


There are a couple of options for connecting to WiFi while attending the conference.

If your institute is on Eduroam: You will be able to connect to the Eduroam network on campus using your usual university credentials.

UoA-Guest-Wifi: If you do not have Eduroam credentials (or are having difficulties connecting to the Eduroam network) you can use the UoA-Guest-WiFi network with the following credentials

Wifi Name: UoA-Guest-WiFi


Password: VVP9fGM0 (final digit is zero)

Note that these credentials will only be valid during the conference (but including Sunday 08 December)

We are grateful to our sponsors

Conference Sponsors

The Kalman Trust

Department of Mathematics, University of Auckland

Faculty of Science, University of Auckland

Pacific travel scheme sponsors

Faculty of Science, University of Auckland

Pro-Vice Chancellor Pacific, University of Auckland

Te Pūnaha Matatini